Hemp Hearts Comparison

If you want to impress yourself or if you want to impress others with the amazing ability of Hemp Hearts to satisfy hunger and provide energy, please perform the following experiment: Everyone knows that if they restrict themselves to any quantity of fruit for breakfast that they will be hungry again very soon--usually within the hour. We suggest that you eat five tablespoons of Hemp Hearts on top of a bowl of fruit and yogurt for breakfast (vegetables for diabetics), because you will then certainly notice that you could easily go with out food for many hours--perhaps all day. Those who begin their day with Hemp Hearts are nutritionally satisfied in a manner that is very unusual--if not amazing!

*Contains more required amino acids (proteins)than milk or eggs
*Is a complete protein source--much more balanced & digestiable than any Soy product
*Contains about 47% oil, 86% of which is omega 3, 6 and 9
*Contains all the esential and Omega 3 essential fat than any fish
*Provides more energy than energy bars, without their suger and with less saturated fat
*Is suitable for those unable to eat gluten, sugar, milk, nuts & meat
*A  55g serving (5tbsp) contains 314 calories of energy from 20g protein, 23.2 unsaturated fats (14.9g Omega 6, 4.7g Omega 3, 3.5g Omega 9), 2.7g saturated fats, 5.9 carbohydrates, 3.3g fiber, 2.6mg Iron, 40.6mg calcium, 5mg sodium, 5mg vitamin E, .55mg vitamin C, .07mg vitamin B6, .18mg vitamin B2, .76mg vitamin B1, 1200 IU vitamin A, .38g Potassium, .4g Phosphorus