
Breakfast Salad:  lest five heaping tablespoons (55g) of Hemp Hearts (perhaps as much as 88g) with tomato,  spinach, cucumber, radish, celery, carrot, lime, cayenne pepper, garlic and fenugreek. The occasional use of dates, figs, grapes, berries, avocado, sprouts, yogurt and cottage cheese keeps it interesting. If inclined, use other protein foods later, but never starches. Diabetics should totally avoid the fruit items.

Hemp Hearts with raw fruit or vegetables: Fill a bowel with selected fruit or vegetables pieces; Cover them with plain yogurt and top with five heaping tablespoons of Hemp Hearts. Or, remove the seeds from half a melon or half a papaya; Fill the hole with plain yogurt and cover with five heaping tablespoons of Hemp Hearts; also top with berries or sweet seedless grapes.

Hot or Cold Cereals: Cover your favorite hot or cold cereal with five heaping tablespoons of raw Hemp Hearts. Top with some grapes or berries. Enjoy the great nutty taste. You will discover tremendous energy and will have no hunger for many hours.

Deserts, Appetizers and Eating out: You can make a perfectly balanced and nutritious meal out of any desert or appetizer simply by topping it with several tablespoons of Hemp Hearts. Even the worst restaurants have something that can salvaged by adding sufficient Hemp Hearts.

Stir-fry:  Add Hemp Hearts generously and mix throughout shortly before serving. Sprinkle on top after serving.